nextbike by TIER – European bike sharing market leader founded in Leipzig and official mobility partner of Velo-city conference 2023

Since 2004 nextbike by TIER has established bike sharing as a fundamental component of liveable and resilient cities and regions at 300+ locations in 19 countries – such as the Barcelona Metropliton Region, Budapest, Warsaw, Vienna, Glasgow, Palma de Mallorca, Berlin and of course Leipzig.
Integrated into public transport, nextbike by TIER provides millions of users with the right means of transport for their daily needs with classic bicycles, e-bikes and cargo bikes. The bike-sharing offer is not only tailor-made for every city and region – from bicycle development, station planning and operations to marketing and customer care – but also record-breaking: In 2022 alone the nextbike by TIER bikes were used 34 million times, amounting to roughly 68 million kilometers cycled in just one year.

The offer of nextbike by TIER is growing continuously and has been doing so for years. Taking a closer look at Germany, in 2022 alone, the rental bikes were used 13.8 million times – an increase of around 50% compared to the previous year. Almost everywhere, nextbike systems are integrated into the public transport system of the respective city or region and are thus an integral part of the everyday mobility mix. Bike-sharing services such as KVB-Rad in Cologne, MOBIbike in Dresden, VRN nextbike in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, and metropolradruhr in the Ruhr region each achieved personal records with more than one million rentals in 2022 alone.

The Velo-city conference now brings along the perfect opportunity to experience the nextbike by TIER offer first hand. During the conference, the nextbike by TIER bike sharing scheme in Leipzig will provide all participants with limitless, sustainable and flexible mobility. Also, don’t miss Mareike Rauchhaus, Head of Communication of nextbike by TIER speaking at Plenary 5, Creating mobility systems of the future now on 11 May at 16.15 (CET).

nextbike by TIER is a brand of TIER Mobility SE, the world’s leading provider of micromobility.